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                  • Check in weekly for a message from the staff.

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                  This Week's worship Bulletin

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                  It's our call, as Christians, to live as disciples – to love and serve others.  At Sycamore, we try to live into that call through traditional worship, study, service and fellowship- connecting generations together. We invite you to connect with our community and be inspired to serve others in Christ’s name. 

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                  Sycamore Presbyterian Church

                  11800 Mason Rd.

                  Cincinnati, OH 45249


                  Pastoral Search


                  We view all our ministries as an invitation to step into God’s life through Sycamore Church. Each ministry represents a unique opportunity to meet somebody new and be part of a community – an opportunity through which you might sense the Holy Spirit leading you to deepen your faith life through service and outreach.

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